CP Concepts of Movement & Tactics (CMAT)
Regular price
This course is offered in two variants: In Person (Option A), Intstructor-Led Online (Option B)
This is course is a module from our comprehensive Close Protection / Executive Protection (CPEP) and Dismounted Small Team Operations (DSTO) programmes that focuses on the fundamentals of movement within a small close protection team. This is a non-shooting course.
This course is intended for:
- professionals seeking higher learning and eventual placement in a CP role
- persons interested in the CP profession, its role, and responsibilities
- persons looking for tools to enhance their own personal security as well as their families
This course is taught by a current serving CP operative in a dignitary protection role. There will be one or two additional seasoned Close Protection professional on hand provide advice and guidance where necessary.
This course focuses on walking formations: 1, 2, 5 with BG in stairs, halls, corners, tight spaces and elevators. We will also cover hasty building and room clearing procedures, in and out - what to look for, where to position. Embus/Debus Orthodox/Unorthodox and breaking contact.
Option A 16 hrs
Day 1
- CP Structure, Roles and Responsibility
- Interior Movement and Drills
Day 2
- Exterior Ops
- Dismounted team movement
- Building Entry/Exit
- Vehicle Embus/Debuss
- Breaking Contact
- Final Exercise
Option B 8 hrs
This course starts in the morning, leveraging Zoom Meetings* technology. The course focuses on theory and fundamentals on the movements with a VIP to and from locations and from within structures. As it is a workshop, students are encouraged to ask questions and participate in breakout sessions with their virtual classmates on assignments. Students will be required to use MS Word and PowerPoint for assignments. Students should be comfortable building and articulating their assignments to present in a group setting.
If you do not have these app, please contact training@veritacssolutions.com for alternative suggestions.
*As with all technologies, always keep up-to-date with security and vulnerability patches to ensure your software is protected from malware.